Thursday, January 6, 2011

Good night, sleep tight.

This morning's Facebook status:
"I hate waking up to a dream, that is far-fetched and overly-imaginative but has an underlying hint of reality. I guess your conscience does visit you in your dreams..."

This is what I dreamt of last night...

My friends (all of them) and I won a contest to be contestants on the next Survivor (yes, the reality TV show). As the show goes, the group was split into two teams: one team consisted of a group of strangers and I was on the other team with my friends. We knew from the get-go, that we had a lead on the other team because of the bond that we had, to the point that we even adopted the team name "Eternidad", which means Forever/Eternity in Spanish.
We won challenge after challenge, had the best shelter and all-around camp life. I automatically took on the role as leader of the tribe, since I got along with everyone on our team perfectly. I was the person the team would go to for advice, for strategy, for final decisions when it came to eliminating a teammate...everything. I didn't mind it too much, because I am used to taking on a "motherly" leadership role in everyday life, so I was comforted by the fact that my friends could count on me. I saw that my work was appreciated because they would constantly thank me, so I really didn't mind going out of my way for them. The people on my team have been a part of my life for years, so it was my pleasure to keep them safe and content. At the tribal councils, my head was never on the chopping block, and all Jeff (the host) kept saying was "Agnes, what would they do without you?" I didn't like this, because I knew that they could survive just fine without me.
As the game progressed and the teams diminished to fewer members, we were forced to merge: strangers and friends. That's when the dream got weird... The host announced that there would be a new twist to the game and that although we were all one team now, we were to split up into sub-teams creating evident alliances. Immediately, my friends clustered together- James with Katlynne and Jess; Melissa with Jenia, Jenn, Lisa, and Laura; Kate with Selina; Maxi people together; Alex with Spencer; Tamara with random school people. The "strangers", since they knew none of us they stuck together too.
I was left alone.
I lasted one more week after that turn of events, they all unanimously voted me out without a care in the world. After Jeff put out my tourch and said his usual phrase: "The tribe has spoken." I turned to my friends, taking a look at them one last time. Then, under his breath, one of the strangers said: "You should have seen it coming."
The dream ended there. I woke up with a weight on my chest wondering where this hurt came from... How does your mind do this to you in your dreams? It's so weird.

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