Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ten Little Things

I just finished reading a really cute post on Melissa's blog called "Ten Little Things", where she named 10 things (anything!) that made her really happy this week. I really liked the idea, so I thought that I too would give it a try... Here it goes.

Ten Little Things

1) Finishing The Time Traveler's Wife (novel) and going to see the movie with Alex and Kay. The movie was very well done, although they didn't include my favorite part from the book in the movie. Oh well, I still had a great time and laughed hysterically with Katlynne about the idea of "teleporting fetuses"

2) Spending my breaks with James. It's so great to sit in a coffee shop and just talk, pretend to do homework or laugh at the gypsy looking women that come into Starbucks

3) Realizing that walking to the Lucien L'allier train is FASTER than taking the metro there! I'm such a dumbass for not realizing this sooner.

4) Taking the train in the morning while reading a good book and looking out the window only to see rows and rows of traffic

5) Walking into work today and winning a $25 gift certificate for my excellent customer service skills. This job has made me bipolar; some days are horrible and some days are awesome!

6) Talking with Melissa on the phone the other night. It had been a long time since we'd spoken. I realize it more and more lately how much I miss her.

7) Washing my car until it sparkled. Now it's dirty again.

8) The weather. I love the cool breeze with the combination of the heat from the sun. It's weird, but I feel like the sun is smiling. It makes me happy.

9) Driving around on a cool night with the windows open and my iPod's tunes filling the car with music that I love.

10) The simple things: The bowl of cereal I had last night before bed. The wall-post from Alex left on my Facebook wall containing lyrics of one of our favorite songs. My hair curling the way I want it to. Having a good conversation during dinner with the family. My professor being impressed with my work ethic. My Mom coming home for lunch to spend time with me. My dog lying on my lap while I watch TV. Being on time with my readings and homework; liking school again. Watching a trailer for 'Dear Jack' a documentary of Andrew McMahon from Jack's Mannequin and tearing up.

Just being happy in general.
Not just this week, but prior ones and the many to come in the future.

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