Monday, May 4, 2009

What a nice day!

It's so beautiful outside and although I am not outside to spend it in the sun, I am having a good day indoors. Today I decided to take advantage of my day off to finally clean my room in it's entirety: draws, closet, desk, shelves! Everything that can hold and contain more of a mess! Being a pack-rat, it's always good to do this every once and a while... especially to get rid of the stupid Maxi promotional t-shirts that they give us (I got rid of 12 just today! I had one for every occasion and color of the rainbow!)

Other than that, I am having fun just dancing and singing around in my room and being a total goof ball in front of Janna- poor thing has a ped-day today and has to endure my excessive energy.

Anyway, back to cleaning and dancing to the Black-Eyed Peas' new hit "Boom Boom Pow." hahahaha! The sun makes me happy!

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