Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Goals for March

"Why choose to fail if success is an option?" --Jillian Michaels

I consider myself to be an ambitious person, who loves to work towards new goals. For this month, I have a couple of things in mind that I would like to do.

1) Get off the Internet. I'm not saying that I am going to disappear and avoid the Internet (Facebook especially), but I am spending way too much time on the computer. I haven't picked up a good book in quite some time, and I hate it. Before, when I took the train every morning, I would read all the time. In a semester, I would get through about 5 books, and this semester (with 6 weeks left), I haven't finished one. So, by the end of the month, I want to have at least two books read.

2) Exercise. Try and get in as much exercise as I can. I would like to say that I want to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday, but I don't know if this will be possible. Let's see what happens, and what results this will bring towards my weight loss.

3) Speaking of weight loss, the summer is coming fast. Last year, I told Tamara that I would be shopping for a bikini for the summer- so much for that idea. That being said, I am determined to be looking much different in time for my (POSSIBLE) trip to Greece. For this month, I am giving myself a goal of 12lbs (3lbs/week). I can do it.

4) STUDYstudySTUDY. I'm not working hard enough. The semester is slowly coming to an end, with finals around the corner. Instead of cramming at the last minute, I think I am going to start studying every week as if I have a final exam coming up. That way, when finals do come around, I'll feel less stressed.

5) Give blood again. Hopefully my iron count will be okay this time around. I am going to make sure to eat a steak, and get a good night sleep the day before Melissa and I give this a try again. I was so upset that I couldn't give blood last time, hopefully this time will have a different result.

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