Thursday, September 4, 2008

13 Weeks to Go

I cannot wait for the semester to be over. Besides the fact that I will be graduating and I won't have to see Abbott again, I'll also get back into the swing of seeing my friends. After a summer of constant fun, good laughs and memories with my favorite people, I am getting withdrawal. On top of that... I don't have any of my friends in any of my classes, except for Child Psych which I look forward to every Tuesday and Thursday.

I guess you can say that I'm jealous, since Melissa and James get to see each other every day. They're so lucky!

I guess I am just paranoid that my friends are going to drift from me... already I feel like we've drifted a part little. Ugh. I guess new friendships will be formed in these 13 weeks, some will get closer and others apart. As selfish as this sounds, I just hope that I'm not missing out on too much.

...and even if we're not in the same classes...remember, I'm here.

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