Thursday, May 7, 2009

Unnatural Feeling

I've been staring at my keyboard for the last five minutes trying to think about how to write this. It's almost impossible to describe an emotion when the feeling cannot be expressed.

I feel sad, disapointed but occasionally content. I try and disregard the negative but somehow I feel it lurking in the background. I keep pushing the thoughts away but the more I neglect it, the more reoccuring they become. I have days when I am extremely happy with the way things are, and others where I feel alone.

Why is it that, when you're around me I am at my happiest but when I'm not around you, you can feel that same emotion? Weird.

We all have separate lives, although we fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. I just hope that due to life's unexpected nature, I won't lose a piece.

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