Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Angels & Demons- The BOOK, not the Movie. ***SPOILERS***

So I went to see Angels & Demons last night, and I guess you can say that I was disappointed. Of course, I was expecting it but there were a lot of changes that were made to the story and the fact that Tom Hanks played Robert Langdon in both Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code, ruins things all on its own.

The movie was okay... I'll give it that much credit, but nothing will compare to the well put together novel by Dan Brown.

My friends that I saw the movie with were complaining that I was not satisfied with the film, but having thought of it for a bit afterwards, I came to realize that a lot was missing from the movie's plot:

- In the book, Robert Langdon found the clues to each of his locations (which was so interesting), but in the book it was so secondary.

- Langdon didn't ride the ultra high speed jet going to the Vatican, but instead took a 10 second helicopter and pretty much appeared in Rome

- The character Max Kohler, CERN director, was not present. He was the one that originally found the body and eye of Vetra's father (and not co-worker!) in the lab when the anti-matter was stolen. In the movie, Vetra found his body.

- Ewan McGregor played The Camerlengo named Patrick McKenna; in the novel, he is named Carlo Ventresca.

- The fourth prefereti was branded with a Water ambigram and was chained but was eventually saved by Langdon but in the book, he dies and does not tell Langdon the location of the Hassasin. In the book, Langdon completed the Path of Illumination on his own to find the Hassasin.

- The fifth ambigram was not the Illuminati diamond! They instead used two crossed keys

- The killer is an arab man with strong ties to ancient assassins

- Vittoria was not captured by the Hassasin.

- The Camerlengo retrieved the antimatter and got into the helicopter alone. In the novel, the Camerlengo and Langdon took the helicopter together.

- The fourth preferati became the new pope in the movie. Whereas in the book, Saverio Mortati becomes the new pope.

- The new pope loaned the book which contained material he needed for research to Langdon. In the book, the Illuminati Diamond brand was loaned to Langdon.

- The carmelengo burned himself in the church(the only diffenrece that I liked, it made more sense)instead of publicly in St Peter's Square.

I would say, go see the movie if you haven't read the book. The movie is definitely better than The Da Vinci Code, but at the same time the missing elements and the movie altogether does not outweigh the book. I LOVED the book, and almost hated the movie.

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