At first, the plan was to head down south and enjoy the beach with a pina colada in my hand, but that didn't work out as planned. So each day, I made the best of it in my own city and I have to say, I don't have any regrets.
Friday February 18 2011
Spring break began with a much-needed reunion with two of my best friends, Melissa and James. I have to say, whenever I hang out with them, I am immediately put in a happy place. We spent the night just talking, having dinner at Madison's and ended the night by seeing the movie 'Gnomeo and Juliet'. Honestly, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It's great to have a group of friends who you can have a serious conversation with but also spend the night immersed in each other's laughter.

Saturday February 19 2011
On Saturday afternoon, I went to a surprise baby shower for Valérie and Mathieu. It was so nice to surprise this adorable couple who will be expecting their little angel in April. We showered them in gifts and lots of love! Kim, Caro, Léanne and I went in together for the gift and we bought their little girl a Jolly Jumper and a musical carpet. I'm sure their daughter is going to love it!

Sunday February 20 2011
In the evening I met up with Selina and Kate :) We decided to head downtown for dinner and a movie. We had dinner at this cute Chinese place and stuffed our faces with some of the yummiest general tao I have ever had. Then, we met up with Selina's cousin for a little bit and killed time before the movie. We saw the 9:50pm showing of 'Blue Valentine' at the AMC and I have to say that the movie was amazing. Despite the fact that it was depressing, it was a beautiful movie. I loved it.
"Dean: In my experience, the prettier a girl is, the more nuts she is... which makes you insane. You're probably nutty coo coo crazy." Did I mention how much I adore Ryan Gosling?

Tuesday February 22 2011
$2.50 (TWO-FIFTY) Tuesdays at Winnies (Sir Winston Churchill Pub) never disappoint. Every time we go there, we always have a good time. Good music, great friends, $2.50 tequila shots; you can't go wrong. This time it was a little different though because so many different groups of friends came: Work friends, school friends, friends that I have known for a long time. It was great to be surrounded by so many amazing people!

Thursday February 24 2011
After having packed up my stuff, ready to leave the house for my mini-roadtrip with Mandy to Vermont for a day of shopping, I realized that my passport was expired. We figured, what the heck, let's do this anyway. We crossed the border just fine (What a dumbass of a border patrol cop), and headed to Church Street in Burlington. We spent the day shopping, had some ice cream at Ben & Jerry's, did some more shopping at the University Mall and then gained 5lbs at the Olive Garden before heading home. Such a great day!

Saturday February 26 2011
On Saturday I headed downtown with Jon, Phil and Greg (I'm not going to lie...It was funny driving these guys to the club, and to party with them. I have known them since my Student Council days! I had a really good time with them!)After weaving my car down St-Laurent trying to avoid the mobs of people enjoying Montreal's Nuit Blanche, we finally made it to Ivy to celebrate Samantha's 19th Birthday. There, I met up with my party-partner, Mandy. I'm not a big fan of Ivy Nightclub at all, so I made the best of my night and had fun with the gang. The important thing is that Sam had a good time, and she did- so it was worth it.

Sunday February 27 2011
As most people know, I love organizing events. Now that I've basically taken over the Social Club at my work, I make it a point to organize at least one event every month for the Maxi Crew. This month's event was a skating night in the Old Port. When I signed the contract with the skating rink management, I was worried that I wouldn't have the required 15 people needed for the group-rate to be valid. It turns out, I was wrong! We ended up being 21 people, and we had an amazing time. I love getting people together outside of work. At the end of the day, yeah, work sucks... But I think by creating friendships with the people you work with can really make a work environment more enjoyable. With every event, I raise money to put towards our Social Club and future events (ex: Christmas Party, that costs more money) and with this skating event I raised $46. I'm really happy about that! Next event...Cabane à sucre!

...Now it's back to reality.
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