Monday, September 7, 2009

Bye-bye Summer 2009

It's 11:15pm and I am sitting in bed thinking and reliving some of the moments that I had during this summer. Although it is coming to an end tomorrow, as I head back to school, I am happy to be starting a new chapter in my life.

This summer was an interesting one. I say that because it was quite different from last summer. Last summer I spent every day, or second day as a part of The Fivesome (Melissa, Jenia, James & Alex), whereas this summer we grew quite distant. Our schedules would clash, and things wouldn't work out all the time. It was okay in the end because we always knew that we could fall back on each other, and that we were each having fun, keeping busy with our own things (work, concerts, hanging out, traveling, etc.)

The fun all began in June when I got the opportunity to go on a roadtrip with Katlynne and James. We headed to Vermont and Lake George, did some shopping, went to the amusement park, hiked in the woods and witnessed beautiful waterfalls, but most importantly got away from the stresses of everyday life for a little while. We came home the Wednesday night, only to head on our second adventure the next morning: Tremblant. This vacation was great! We got together with Alex and Rob and spent 2 amazing nights in a luxurious room right in the mountains. It feels like so long ago that this happened, but at the same time I can remember it like it was yesterday. Straight hair, late night talks on the porch, writing messages to each other on the steamed shower door, drinks and lots of laughs were just a couple of the things that filled our weekend with fun! Thanks again Rob for having us, I had a great time!

It was the little things that mattered this summer. Sitting in the car listening to music too loud with friends (Singing to I've Gotta Feeling or Sexy Bitch)or lying on a blanket in Alex's front yard talking for hours under the stars, it's things like this that I'll remember. The movie nights, the dinners, the countless amount of money spent on food... The gossip, the thousands of text messages, Alex getting his license, the summmer birthday parties (Melissa's scrap book), the motivational talks, the pictures, the pic-nic in Angrignon park, the good times and the bad...With every bad thing, comes a good one. I had a couple of really bad nights where I would think myself into circles and I would end up getting really sad. But when I look back on it, it was silly stupidity that I would create in my head. Was it dumb? Yes. Do I regret it? No. I was right with a lot of things that I would think about, and I have become a stronger person having gone through it. Good things happen to good people. I've got Karma on my side.

I definitely didn't go to as many shows this year as I did last year, but I have to say, going to the Virgin Festival for free was pretty cool. The Black Eyed Peas blew me away at that show! Seeing Stevie Wonder play at this year's Jazz Fest was definitely an honor too! Then there was Cirque du Soleil's 25th Anniversary Show OvO with my Mom, what a great night that I'll never forget. The creativity that Guy Laliberte brings to every show is mind boggling... I can't wait for Alegria in the winter! Or how about winning tickets to a VIP Our Lady Peace show? Life can't get better than that! Finally, this summer ended with a memorable show by the Killers at the Bell Centre. Fireworks, sparklers, confetti, flowers, video projection, these guys had it all! It was great being a part of their set from the front row, and just seeing the look on Janna's face was priceless on it's own.

Working 40 hours per week was hard but the paychecks were beautiful every Thursday. Would I do it again? Probably. Work consumed my life, but in the end it was a good experience.

Shopping dates, spending money, driving around in my new car, sitting on a terrace for lunch or evening drinks, going for a bike ride, eating ice cream in St-Anne's and catching up with an old friend on the boardwalk, drinking smoothies in Pointe Claire village and laughing hysterically, clubbing... Just waking up in the morning and thinking "Hmmm... what am I going to do today?" was an amazing feeling.

This summer I got a tan.
I swam in the ocean.
I wore a bathing suit.
I enjoyed the sun <3
I found the time to do things I love.

Selina spent the whole summer away, but when she came back it felt like she had never left. I love how things just fell back into place with her, and I feel like we grew a lot closer in the month that she's been home. I really enjoy her company! Spending time with my ladies (Mel, Kate and Selina) is the best, I wouldn't have it any other way and I love that despite our busy schedules, we always make time for each other at least once a month. We just fit together, even when we've spent some time apart.

Alex, you know how much you mean to me. Thanks for making this summer what it was <3 You constantly remind me that life really is a beautiful thing, and I have realized that it's because of the people that are in it.

Mel & James, my crazy partners in crime. I don't know where I would be without you guys. Not just this summer, but in life in general. You're both amazing people and friends.

The rest of you kiddies, I love you all individually (even though I'm not naming you, you definitely know who you are.) We have changed each other's lives by being friends over the years and I can't be more thankful for the experiences we've had and the memories that I'll cherish forever. Thanks for making me who I am today.

“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.”

Hampton, oh Hampton. I couldn't have imagined a better way to end the summer. Besides the fact that I was heading to the ocean with some of my best friends, it was giving us the opportunity to relax and just enjoy the feeling of doing nothing. This trip was therapeutic. We spent three days on the beach, with our toes in the sand and the waves crashing up against us. At night we took walks on the beach, ran in the waves and just enjoyed the carefree life that we had been blessed with. We sat under the stars talking, listening to music and I was reminded that life's luxuries are not mesured by monetary value but by how they make you feel. I felt rich while I was there, because I was happy.

This summer has been amazing(despite the ugly weather we had all of June and July)and I'll never forget it. We documented life through pictures and linked songs to our experiences and emotions. We lived, we loved, we laughed.

Tomorrow, I'll be Concordia-bound. I'm excited, but I'm gonna miss all this.

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