Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Came across this on someone's Facebook wall and I thought I would share it.
A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying.
- Greys Anatomy
A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying.
- Greys Anatomy
I love making people smile.
There is something about going out of my way for people, and making their days that much better that just make mine that much more worth it.
Today, as most of you know from my previous post, Montreal is going through an Ice Age. It's funny to think that Quebec weather can experience two different polar extremes. I can remember just a couple of months ago, we were sweating and complaining about the 40 degree heatwave, and now we're sitting at -35degrees with the wind-chill factor.
Anyway, while I was waiting for the bus today, I immediately thought of my coworkers who would be pushing carts in today's weather. So, after school, I decided to head to Tim Hortons, bought two hot chocolates and then headed to work. I found Nicolas in the parking lot pushing a line of 10 carts, covered from head-to-toe in winter gear. I barely noticed that it was him until I saw his eyes, the only thing bare on his face. I followed him to the store entrance, and handed him his hot chocolate and told him that he deserved a little break. He peeled his neck-warmer off his face, revealing his mouth, and smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen and thanked me over and over. I'm not going to lie, this caught me off guard. To give you a little background information about Nick, he is in his 30's, slow (mentally & physically, and I don't mean that in a discriminatory way at all), and quite anti-social. He's the type of guy who is very passionate about what he knows, and since he has been working the same job (Aide General) for the last 8 years, no one other than him knows what's right. In the five years that I have been working with him, I have never seen him smile...until today. It was amazing.
Then I proceeded to give my second cup of hot chocolate to my good friend, Jon. Naturally, he jokingly got mad with me that I had gone out of my way for him, called me a "loser" and then gave me a hug. It's how our friendship works, I guess haha!
It breaks my heart to watch these guys go outside in any type of weather: scorching heat, rain, snow, cold and push shopping carts for minimum wage. It drives me crazy and it makes me angry because they are so unappreciated. So, whenever I can, I try and give them the appreciation that they deserve.
At work, I am in charge of our "Tableau de reconnaissance" and making sure that there is something always on it. Since it was my idea, I really don't mind and I actually enjoy putting up a new "shout-out" for someone in the store. Today, even though I wasn't working, I decided to update my board:
"Un gros merci à Nicolas Dufresne et Jonathan Andrushkoff qui ont poussés les paniers dans un froid glacial (-35C avec le vent)!"
I went home feeling content and despite the cold, warm inside. Passing on happiness is something that will never get old.
Today, as most of you know from my previous post, Montreal is going through an Ice Age. It's funny to think that Quebec weather can experience two different polar extremes. I can remember just a couple of months ago, we were sweating and complaining about the 40 degree heatwave, and now we're sitting at -35degrees with the wind-chill factor.
Anyway, while I was waiting for the bus today, I immediately thought of my coworkers who would be pushing carts in today's weather. So, after school, I decided to head to Tim Hortons, bought two hot chocolates and then headed to work. I found Nicolas in the parking lot pushing a line of 10 carts, covered from head-to-toe in winter gear. I barely noticed that it was him until I saw his eyes, the only thing bare on his face. I followed him to the store entrance, and handed him his hot chocolate and told him that he deserved a little break. He peeled his neck-warmer off his face, revealing his mouth, and smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen and thanked me over and over. I'm not going to lie, this caught me off guard. To give you a little background information about Nick, he is in his 30's, slow (mentally & physically, and I don't mean that in a discriminatory way at all), and quite anti-social. He's the type of guy who is very passionate about what he knows, and since he has been working the same job (Aide General) for the last 8 years, no one other than him knows what's right. In the five years that I have been working with him, I have never seen him smile...until today. It was amazing.
Then I proceeded to give my second cup of hot chocolate to my good friend, Jon. Naturally, he jokingly got mad with me that I had gone out of my way for him, called me a "loser" and then gave me a hug. It's how our friendship works, I guess haha!
It breaks my heart to watch these guys go outside in any type of weather: scorching heat, rain, snow, cold and push shopping carts for minimum wage. It drives me crazy and it makes me angry because they are so unappreciated. So, whenever I can, I try and give them the appreciation that they deserve.
At work, I am in charge of our "Tableau de reconnaissance" and making sure that there is something always on it. Since it was my idea, I really don't mind and I actually enjoy putting up a new "shout-out" for someone in the store. Today, even though I wasn't working, I decided to update my board:
"Un gros merci à Nicolas Dufresne et Jonathan Andrushkoff qui ont poussés les paniers dans un froid glacial (-35C avec le vent)!"
I went home feeling content and despite the cold, warm inside. Passing on happiness is something that will never get old.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Life's Lessons
Over the last week, I've learned some things...
-The power of saying thank you. Last Sunday, I went into work and I realized that I was the only supervisor closing (normally we are two or three), so I was quite relieved when I realized that I had two of my favorite cashiers with me for the night. I was so impressed with their work that naturally, I thanked them. The look on the girls' faces really caught me off guard, I could see it in their eyes that they were surprised. Immediately, I asked them what's wrong, and she replied: "C'est la première fois qu'un superviseur nous dit merci pour le travail qu'on fait." I couldn't believe it. I don't understand how the other supervisors don't take the time to thank their colleagues, their friends. I don't get it.
-Don't push things to tomorrow. These last two weeks, I have gotten back into my routine of going to the gym. On Mondays and Wednesdays I also attend a Zumba class, so when I head home, my body is tired and I really don't feel like going to the gym to train again. But then my conscience speaks to me... Instead of pushing my work out to another time, I tell myself: "Because you're putting doubt in your mind, you're going to go to the gym." And I do. I listen. I go, and I sweat and I work myself to the bone. I guess you can call it punishment, but I consider it to be a reward.
-Care for each other. On Saturday, although I was having a good time partying with my work friends, I had two friends who were in need of a little TLC. I stuck by them all night, gave them advice and wiped the tears from their cheeks. In the end, everything turned out okay, but to see them like that, broke my heart. I hate to see people upset, especially when it concerns people that always have a smile on their face and make me happy.
- A compliment goes a long way. I don't handle compliments well, and I'm sure that leads back to my confidence issues. That being said, I am starting to learn to embrace them, and believe the other person when I get a compliment.
- "You're a good friend, I hope you know that." -Jon
- "I love you Agnes!! I love to work with you, your MY supervisor!!!" -Isabelle
- "...as long as you're determined and driven, which I believe you fully are, then you can get things done." -Tabitha
- "I am so excited for you to join my team, seriously, I can tell from now that you're going to do great!" -Alain
...Way to warm my heart, guys <3
-The power of saying thank you. Last Sunday, I went into work and I realized that I was the only supervisor closing (normally we are two or three), so I was quite relieved when I realized that I had two of my favorite cashiers with me for the night. I was so impressed with their work that naturally, I thanked them. The look on the girls' faces really caught me off guard, I could see it in their eyes that they were surprised. Immediately, I asked them what's wrong, and she replied: "C'est la première fois qu'un superviseur nous dit merci pour le travail qu'on fait." I couldn't believe it. I don't understand how the other supervisors don't take the time to thank their colleagues, their friends. I don't get it.
-Don't push things to tomorrow. These last two weeks, I have gotten back into my routine of going to the gym. On Mondays and Wednesdays I also attend a Zumba class, so when I head home, my body is tired and I really don't feel like going to the gym to train again. But then my conscience speaks to me... Instead of pushing my work out to another time, I tell myself: "Because you're putting doubt in your mind, you're going to go to the gym." And I do. I listen. I go, and I sweat and I work myself to the bone. I guess you can call it punishment, but I consider it to be a reward.
-Care for each other. On Saturday, although I was having a good time partying with my work friends, I had two friends who were in need of a little TLC. I stuck by them all night, gave them advice and wiped the tears from their cheeks. In the end, everything turned out okay, but to see them like that, broke my heart. I hate to see people upset, especially when it concerns people that always have a smile on their face and make me happy.
- A compliment goes a long way. I don't handle compliments well, and I'm sure that leads back to my confidence issues. That being said, I am starting to learn to embrace them, and believe the other person when I get a compliment.
- "You're a good friend, I hope you know that." -Jon
- "I love you Agnes!! I love to work with you, your MY supervisor!!!" -Isabelle
- "...as long as you're determined and driven, which I believe you fully are, then you can get things done." -Tabitha
- "I am so excited for you to join my team, seriously, I can tell from now that you're going to do great!" -Alain
...Way to warm my heart, guys <3
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Good night, sleep tight.
This morning's Facebook status:
"I hate waking up to a dream, that is far-fetched and overly-imaginative but has an underlying hint of reality. I guess your conscience does visit you in your dreams..."
This is what I dreamt of last night...
My friends (all of them) and I won a contest to be contestants on the next Survivor (yes, the reality TV show). As the show goes, the group was split into two teams: one team consisted of a group of strangers and I was on the other team with my friends. We knew from the get-go, that we had a lead on the other team because of the bond that we had, to the point that we even adopted the team name "Eternidad", which means Forever/Eternity in Spanish.
We won challenge after challenge, had the best shelter and all-around camp life. I automatically took on the role as leader of the tribe, since I got along with everyone on our team perfectly. I was the person the team would go to for advice, for strategy, for final decisions when it came to eliminating a teammate...everything. I didn't mind it too much, because I am used to taking on a "motherly" leadership role in everyday life, so I was comforted by the fact that my friends could count on me. I saw that my work was appreciated because they would constantly thank me, so I really didn't mind going out of my way for them. The people on my team have been a part of my life for years, so it was my pleasure to keep them safe and content. At the tribal councils, my head was never on the chopping block, and all Jeff (the host) kept saying was "Agnes, what would they do without you?" I didn't like this, because I knew that they could survive just fine without me.
As the game progressed and the teams diminished to fewer members, we were forced to merge: strangers and friends. That's when the dream got weird... The host announced that there would be a new twist to the game and that although we were all one team now, we were to split up into sub-teams creating evident alliances. Immediately, my friends clustered together- James with Katlynne and Jess; Melissa with Jenia, Jenn, Lisa, and Laura; Kate with Selina; Maxi people together; Alex with Spencer; Tamara with random school people. The "strangers", since they knew none of us they stuck together too.
I was left alone.
I lasted one more week after that turn of events, they all unanimously voted me out without a care in the world. After Jeff put out my tourch and said his usual phrase: "The tribe has spoken." I turned to my friends, taking a look at them one last time. Then, under his breath, one of the strangers said: "You should have seen it coming."
The dream ended there. I woke up with a weight on my chest wondering where this hurt came from... How does your mind do this to you in your dreams? It's so weird.
"I hate waking up to a dream, that is far-fetched and overly-imaginative but has an underlying hint of reality. I guess your conscience does visit you in your dreams..."
This is what I dreamt of last night...
My friends (all of them) and I won a contest to be contestants on the next Survivor (yes, the reality TV show). As the show goes, the group was split into two teams: one team consisted of a group of strangers and I was on the other team with my friends. We knew from the get-go, that we had a lead on the other team because of the bond that we had, to the point that we even adopted the team name "Eternidad", which means Forever/Eternity in Spanish.
We won challenge after challenge, had the best shelter and all-around camp life. I automatically took on the role as leader of the tribe, since I got along with everyone on our team perfectly. I was the person the team would go to for advice, for strategy, for final decisions when it came to eliminating a teammate...everything. I didn't mind it too much, because I am used to taking on a "motherly" leadership role in everyday life, so I was comforted by the fact that my friends could count on me. I saw that my work was appreciated because they would constantly thank me, so I really didn't mind going out of my way for them. The people on my team have been a part of my life for years, so it was my pleasure to keep them safe and content. At the tribal councils, my head was never on the chopping block, and all Jeff (the host) kept saying was "Agnes, what would they do without you?" I didn't like this, because I knew that they could survive just fine without me.
As the game progressed and the teams diminished to fewer members, we were forced to merge: strangers and friends. That's when the dream got weird... The host announced that there would be a new twist to the game and that although we were all one team now, we were to split up into sub-teams creating evident alliances. Immediately, my friends clustered together- James with Katlynne and Jess; Melissa with Jenia, Jenn, Lisa, and Laura; Kate with Selina; Maxi people together; Alex with Spencer; Tamara with random school people. The "strangers", since they knew none of us they stuck together too.
I was left alone.
I lasted one more week after that turn of events, they all unanimously voted me out without a care in the world. After Jeff put out my tourch and said his usual phrase: "The tribe has spoken." I turned to my friends, taking a look at them one last time. Then, under his breath, one of the strangers said: "You should have seen it coming."
The dream ended there. I woke up with a weight on my chest wondering where this hurt came from... How does your mind do this to you in your dreams? It's so weird.
Monday, January 3, 2011
I've had these ideas brewing in my head for the last couple of days, but I really wanted to be sure before I posted them on my blog. I don't understand why people tend to think that New Years Resolutions are impossible...I mean, indirectly, we all set goals for ourselves- but I guess whether we choose to keep them or not, is a different story. I've heard so many people say "I don't have any resolutions this year because I know that I'll give up on them after the first week." Well maybe that should be a resolution- to be driven and actually accomplish something that you want. That way, when you look back on 2011 you can say "Yup, I did it."
Here are some goals that I have for 2011 (ELEVEN GOALS FOR 2011):
1) Continue to live a healthy lifestyle and hopefully reach my goal weight by the beginning of summer. If that's the case, I have about 40lbs to lose. I'm feeling fat just thinking about it haha!
2) SCHOOLschoolSCHOOLschool: Put some "B+"s and "A"s on my transcript & Make the switch into BComm (Finance major)
3) Participate in the 'Run for the Cure' (Oct 2, 2011); Run the 5km in under 30mins
4)Go on a road trip somewhere in the U.S. to see a concert. (I'm sure Mel, Jenia and Jenn would be up for it...Am I right,ladies?)
5) Be spontaneous and book a last minute vacation
6) Save more money! I make approximately $220/week, where is all my money going?!
7) Read at least 20 books. (I read 15 books last year) One of the books has to be written in Greek. Also, read newspapers/magazines more often to keep up with what's going on in the (business)world.
8) Learn how to play Konstantine on the piano (Thanks for the awesome gift, Mel <3 )
9) Tell people how I feel. Whether it be when I'm upset by something, or to tell them that I love them. I tend to bottle-up my emotions...It's time to pop the cork on this bottle. Remember to smile big, and mean it.
10) Spend a day being a tourist in my own city; Visit a museum, go for dinner at a restaurant I've never been to, stay in a hotel, do things I haven't done before
11) ________ (blank) Let's see what I'll fill this blank with at the end of the year.
Here are some goals that I have for 2011 (ELEVEN GOALS FOR 2011):
1) Continue to live a healthy lifestyle and hopefully reach my goal weight by the beginning of summer. If that's the case, I have about 40lbs to lose. I'm feeling fat just thinking about it haha!
2) SCHOOLschoolSCHOOLschool: Put some "B+"s and "A"s on my transcript & Make the switch into BComm (Finance major)
3) Participate in the 'Run for the Cure' (Oct 2, 2011); Run the 5km in under 30mins
4)Go on a road trip somewhere in the U.S. to see a concert. (I'm sure Mel, Jenia and Jenn would be up for it...Am I right,ladies?)
5) Be spontaneous and book a last minute vacation
6) Save more money! I make approximately $220/week, where is all my money going?!
7) Read at least 20 books. (I read 15 books last year) One of the books has to be written in Greek. Also, read newspapers/magazines more often to keep up with what's going on in the (business)world.
8) Learn how to play Konstantine on the piano (Thanks for the awesome gift, Mel <3 )
9) Tell people how I feel. Whether it be when I'm upset by something, or to tell them that I love them. I tend to bottle-up my emotions...It's time to pop the cork on this bottle. Remember to smile big, and mean it.
10) Spend a day being a tourist in my own city; Visit a museum, go for dinner at a restaurant I've never been to, stay in a hotel, do things I haven't done before
11) ________ (blank) Let's see what I'll fill this blank with at the end of the year.
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