I stole this from Maria (who didn't write this by the way haha). I thought it was cute!
Il y a au moins 5 personnes dans ce monde qui t'aiment au point de mourir pour toi.
Il y a au moins 15 personnes qui t'aiment d'une certaine manière.
La seule raison pour laquelle une personne te déteste, c'est parce qu'elle veut être comme toi.
Un sourire de toi apporte de la joie à quelqu'un même s'il ne t'aime pas.
Toutes les nuits, quelqu'un pense à toi avant d'aller se coucher.
Tu représentes le monde pour quelqu'un.
Si ce n'était pas pour toi, quelqu'un ne pourrait pas vivre.
Tu es spécial et unique et quelqu'un dont tu ignores l'existence t'aime.
Quand tu fais la plus grosse bêtise, quelque chose de bien provient de celle-ci.
Quand tu penses que le monde te tourne le dos, regarde bien: c'est surtout toi qui tourne le dos au monde!
Quand tu penses que tu n'as pas de chance quand tu n'as pas ce que tu veux, tu ne l'auras probablement pas.
Si tu crois en toi, probablement, tôt ou tard, tu l'auras.
Souviens-toi toujours des compliments que tu reçois.
Oublie les remarques méchantes.
Dis toujours aux gens ce que tu ressens à propos d'eux, tu te sentiras mieux quand ils le sauront.
Personne ne mérite tes larmes et tes pleurs, et celui qui le mérite vraiment ne te fera jamais pleurer.
Si tu as un meilleur ami, prends le temps de lui dire ce qu'il représente pour toi.
On dit que cela prend qu'une minute pour remarquer une personne spéciale, une heure pour l'apprécier,
un jour pour l'aimer, mais qu'on a ensuite besoin de toute une vie pour oublier.
Arrête-toi un peu et prends le temps de vivre !
Ne quitte jamais la personne que tu aimes pour la personne qui te plais
car celui qui te plais te quittera pour la personne qu'il aime.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Laughter is an instant vacation
You know when you laugh so much that your eyes begin to fill with tears, you clench your sides because it hurts so much, you're gasping for air and the room around you just seems to disapear in the happy moment that you're experiencing? I've laughed a lot in my life, but nothing compared to last night. It's the best feeling in the world, especially when it's happening with the most amazing people.
Did you know that children laugh on average 300 times a day compared to adults only laughing 15 times a day?
I think we made up for it all last night. <3
Did you know that children laugh on average 300 times a day compared to adults only laughing 15 times a day?
I think we made up for it all last night. <3
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Your actions write the melodies, to the songs that we sing.
I can't believe that two weeks has disappeared so fast. I'm going back to work in two days, incredible. I went into work last night to show off my new specs, and hand in a long list of nights, and a day that I need off. I think my boss is going to kill me, especially since I am JUST coming back from vacation... oh well. I have so much to look forward to in the next month!
August 5th- Backstreet Boys concert with Melissa, James & Chelsea
August 8th- Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 with Mel & Jenia (and whoever else wants to come)
August 9th- Festival Montgolfières + Hedley Concert in St. Jean/ Fouf's with Melissa & Jenia
August 22nd- Jack's Mannequin & Paramore @ Metropolis with TONS of people
It's crazy to think that I'll be heading back to school 3 days after that last concert...whoa. The summer has gone by so fast but I haven't regretted a moment of it. Now, what am I going to do today?
August 5th- Backstreet Boys concert with Melissa, James & Chelsea
August 8th- Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 with Mel & Jenia (and whoever else wants to come)
August 9th- Festival Montgolfières + Hedley Concert in St. Jean/ Fouf's with Melissa & Jenia
August 22nd- Jack's Mannequin & Paramore @ Metropolis with TONS of people
It's crazy to think that I'll be heading back to school 3 days after that last concert...whoa. The summer has gone by so fast but I haven't regretted a moment of it. Now, what am I going to do today?
Friday, July 25, 2008
To be loved...what more could you ask for?

Getting together with friends should be prescribed as a medication world-wide. I know that sounds random, and a little out there but this past week has been filled with amazing memories with my best friends, and I couldn't have asked for better. It doesn't happen often but Mel and James had the same days off work this week so we decided to take advantage of those two days to hang out.
On Tuesday we took a car ride to Carrefour Laval while singing at the top of our lungs to some of our favorite songs. I think we listened to About a Girl by The Academy Is... about 10 times before we got home. Anyway, we spent the day shopping and spending our weekly paychecks, had lunch, very filling milkshakes and then headed back to Pincourt to pick up our missing puzzle piece, Alex. We then headed for a quick supper at Tim Hortons, where he managed to get a free sandwich, and then made our way into the madness of "Cheapy Tuesday's" at the Colisée. I don't think I've ever seen so many people waiting in line at the box office, it was seriously a fire-hazard. We went and saw Batman: The Dark Knight (for the second time, on my part)and it was even better the second time. Jenia, at some points, was scared out of her wits and almost ripped my arm off, but it was all worth it! I might even have to see the movie a third time since I promised Kevan that I would go and see it with him...wow, 7.5 hours of Batman, how sad.
Yesterday (Thursday), I got together with the gang again and we spent most of our time hanging out in Melissa's basement where we created a giant bed on the floor. We wanted the movie Seven (one of the best movies I have ever seen!) starring Brad Pitt (Melissa's one-of-many Husbands) and Morgan Freeman (Jenia's Grandpa hahaha). We made pizza for supper, enjoyed each others company and ended the night laughing hysterically while taking tons of useless and often embarassing pictures. We may have gotten a couple of good shots in there, but most of them are black-mail
I can't believe that I only have a couple of days left of my vacation, and then I am back to reality. It's okay though, although the two weeks have gone by fast I have had a great time. For once in my life, I have managed to keep myself busy during the summer. Most summers I spend my time wondering if I have friends, or if they care. This summer has been the complete opposite. I know who my friends are, and I know that they are here to stay. I have been spending a lot of time lately with this foursome, and I couldn't be more lucky to have them in my life. <3
I will be updating again soon to give a mini-recap of my two weeks off and what's to come... stay tuned Jenia & Mel, I know you guys are the only ones that read this. hahaha
Saturday, July 19, 2008
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain
I saw the Batman: The Dark Knight movie last night and oh my sweet God was it AMAZING! It has been a long time since I have seen a movie that good. It was seriously, in the words of Sean, "Epic."
Today I am going to Lensecrafters. I'm getting glasses. I can do without them but I am border line in the need of them. My Dad's insurance pays for a big portion of them, plus we get a discount with CAA, PLUS they are having a sale, so I thought..why not?
Mel's BBQ is also today, and warped tomorrow! It's going to be a good weekend :)
I'll be sure to post some pictures up from the weekend on Monday or something, as well as a photo of me with "my new eyes." hahaha
Today I am going to Lensecrafters. I'm getting glasses. I can do without them but I am border line in the need of them. My Dad's insurance pays for a big portion of them, plus we get a discount with CAA, PLUS they are having a sale, so I thought..why not?
Mel's BBQ is also today, and warped tomorrow! It's going to be a good weekend :)
I'll be sure to post some pictures up from the weekend on Monday or something, as well as a photo of me with "my new eyes." hahaha
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Europe 2009?
I don't know if it's going to end up happening but I am saving money like a mad woman so that I am ready for when the time comes. I really hope that next year I will get the chance to head back to Europe. It was probably one of the greatest experiences when I went in 2006, and I can't wait to go back...especially because this time it will be with my best friends James & Melissa.
Anyway, in the last 3 weeks I have put $500 dollars aside which has upped my "Traveling" account in ING to $2500. Not too shabby...gotta keep it up now! I figure that if I put at least $100 away per week, I should have enough money in no time! And hey, if the trip doesn't happen (which I hope won't be the case), I will just transfer all my travel savings to my University account, which wouldn't hurt either.
I can't wait until September. Mel, James and I are going to get together again then and figure out for sure what we're going to be doing according to how much money we have saved. I'm excited...
Anyway, in the last 3 weeks I have put $500 dollars aside which has upped my "Traveling" account in ING to $2500. Not too shabby...gotta keep it up now! I figure that if I put at least $100 away per week, I should have enough money in no time! And hey, if the trip doesn't happen (which I hope won't be the case), I will just transfer all my travel savings to my University account, which wouldn't hurt either.
I can't wait until September. Mel, James and I are going to get together again then and figure out for sure what we're going to be doing according to how much money we have saved. I'm excited...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I think that I'm ready to talk about it now...

In the last couple of days I have gone through so many emotions: confusion, anger, disbelief, and sadness. I don't know which one of these I have finally settled on, but the combination of all of them has allowed me to write this blog today.
In a nutshell, I received a very unexpected email the other night. It was addressed to myself and my best friends, giving us the overall message that our friendship between us was pretty much over. At the time, I didn't know what to think and still to this day I re-read the email to try and figure out what could have caused it. Don't get me wrong, the email was filled with emotion and I respect that but due to the nature of the whole thing and the manner that it was presented to me, I am left insulted and incredibly confused. One minute we were talking, everything was dandy and the next BANG! It was like she spat in my face, and thanked me for nothing. Who knew that 5 years of friendship could disapear by the time I finished reading her email.
Forgive and forget. Not this time. I may have forgiven you for what you said, because obviously there is something going on in your life and you feel that this is the way to cure it. That being said, why us? I find it quite ironic that right after you told me that you were depressed, and right before I read your email I said: "I hope I can help." You snatched that opportunity right from me. Even though we haven't been the closest friends lately, I've always felt that we could be there for each other. I guess, due to the new circumstances, things will have to change.
I know what I replied in my email was harsh.
I know that the words probably hurt.
I know that you probably felt like I was being "my usual bitchy self."
I know that you probably felt targeted.
I know that you probably didn't see my side of the coin.
I know that you ended it for good this time.
And I know that I meant what I said.
I've learned a lot since high school, more than you probably think.
I've learned when to take a step back and when to let life take it's course.
I've learned to embrace the things that come to me, and work hard for things that don't.
I've learned to smile, and for real now.
I've learned to make the right choices, for myself and for those that I care about.
I've learned what it's like to have friends that care; the ones that make life worth it.
...and now I have to teach myself how to lose one.
You really hurt me by sending me that email, especially without valid warning.
I hope it was worth it for you. Have a nice life.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Reminiscing the past with tropical animals
I had such a fun day today!
When I woke up this morning with Molly jumping all over my head, I decided that I didn't want to spend the day doing nothing. When Janna came home from her swimming lessons, I decided to take an adventure downtown to the Montreal Biodome. I hadn't been there since I was about 6 years old, so going back was quite an experience for me. I had totally forgotten about what it looked like on the inside. We saw a whole bunch of neat animals, took tons of pictures, explored the gift shop and had a yummy croissant at the café. All in all, it was an awesome day!
I decided to drive downtown too. The more I drive, the more experience I will have and I couldn't think of a better day than today to take a minor risk with my car... I have my full license now! I can't believe that 2 years have already passed, it's nuts!
I can't wait for the rest of my vacation too. It seems like everyday I will be doing something exciting, which is great for someone who tends to have a more or less uneventful life... hahaha! I am so anxious for Melissa's BBQ and of course WARPED!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Ugly Duckling
It's one thing to feel ugly, but another to be told that you need to start making changes because "you've gained a lot of weight." I had the pleasure of getting this speech from my father this morning, and although his intentions were encouraging, he definitely succeeded at making me feel like a pile of shit.
I guess in a sense he's right.
I need to start proving him wrong.
He brought up the fact that I am getting older and that I still haven't had a boyfriend.
He brought up the fact that I have a heart murmur and that it's not good for my health.
He brought up the fact that heart disease and heart attacks run in our family.
He made me feel horrible. I didn't say anything back.
Who knew that a rice crispy square could cause such controversy. Might I add, that it's still in the wrapper... I couldn't stomach to look at it after that lecture.
What a great way to start my vacation...
I guess in a sense he's right.
I need to start proving him wrong.
He brought up the fact that I am getting older and that I still haven't had a boyfriend.
He brought up the fact that I have a heart murmur and that it's not good for my health.
He brought up the fact that heart disease and heart attacks run in our family.
He made me feel horrible. I didn't say anything back.
Who knew that a rice crispy square could cause such controversy. Might I add, that it's still in the wrapper... I couldn't stomach to look at it after that lecture.
What a great way to start my vacation...
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