I have never been so excited to see a movie. It's crazy to think how I had never seen this show before but ever since I started getting into the show, I can't imagine my TV life without it!
45 days left, and I still have 3 seasons to go...eesh. I don't know how I am going to finish all of those episodes of Sex and the City in time for the movie! One thing I know for sure is that I am going to take that night off work so I can go and see the movie with my ladies, it's going to be an amazing night.
P.S. I cannot wait to go back to NYC! It's going to be that much more amazing the second time around!
It has already been a week since my birthday party. I can't get over how fast time goes by...19 years old already and my life hasn't nearly begun. It scares me, but I think that that's half the fun- being scared about what the future holds.
Anyway, I had an amazing time last weekend with my favorite people. We all headed out for dinner at Wienstein & Gavino's on Crescent street. I had never been there before, but it was a very nice place. The food was amazing, but portions were big enough to feed a third world country in its entirety. Highlight of the meal was my Sex on the Beach, so yummy.
After that, we spent about half an hour trying to figure out what to do before Jess & Megan showed up. Finally, James, Kay and I made the hike up the hill to their car. It was then that I got to test out my heels and I must say that those shoes are a God-send.
We finally arrived at Sev7en at around 11:30pm to find a HUGE line up down the street. Luckily Selina is related to one of the owners so we got in no problem. It was then that the real fun began. It was Sev7en's one year anniversary so the club was packed! The music was amazing and they even had a live bongo drummer and belly dancer during one of the songs. It was great! We took so many pictures too! We also decided to buy a bottle of vodka instead of spending $10 each on a drink. It was worth it in the end, despite the fact that some pitched in WAY more than others...*cough*KATE*cough*... I'll pay you back somehow, someday.